Nia Jax Was Trying To Make Vince McMahon Laugh With My Hole Outburst

Nia Jax’s time in WWE was known for a lot of things, including one line that was censored from replays. In legendary bump on the ring apron, Nia Jax exclaimed “My Hole!” and that was instantly famous as a meme. It turns out that Nia Jax did this for one very specific reason.

Nia Jax’s “My Hole” comment went viral, and the YouTube replay got tons of views. Interestingly enough, WWE also had to bleep out the word “hole” during those replays, which made the clip seem so much worse.

During a virtual signing with K & S WrestleFest, Nia Jax opened up about her “my hole” comment. This spot was apparently planned ahead of time, and Triple H helped her arrange it. The Irresistible Force stated that it wasn’t her intention to go viral with the comment. She just wanted to make Vince McMahon and Triple H laugh.

“So, it was during the COVID era, right? ‘My hole’ was during the COVID era… We have a lot more freedom during the COVID era and I had discussed it actually with Triple H before when we were rehearsing the match and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, you want me to do a leg drop on the apron?’ And I was like, ‘My freaking butthole’s gonna…’ So it was more of a joke to pop Hunter and Vince (McMahon) in Gorilla. It was literally more to make them laugh. So when I did it, that was the intention and then when I got backstage and saw that everybody was texting me about ‘my hole’ trending, that’s not what my intention was.”

Vince McMahon ran the show during that time, so it makes sense that Nia Jax was playing to the Chairman with that line. After all, his sense of humor is historically juvenile, including lots of practical jokes along the way. You may click here for longer list of confirmed legends about Vince McMahon.

Nia Jax returned during the 2023 Women’s Royal Rumble match, but she didn’t stay long. She hasn’t been back to WWE since then, but she also wouldn’t turn down a role in AEW if Tony Khan picked up the phone. We’ll have to see what’s next for Nia Jax, but she certainly raked up an unforgettable WWE moment with that off-the-cuff line.

What’s your take on Nia Jax’s run in WWE? What will she be remembered by more? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
